According to skincancer.org, shade structures such as shade-sails (UV-protective fabrics that can be installed over outdoor areas) vary widely in the amount of protection provided. We use the best shade fabric in the industry. Since levels of indirect UV can still be high beneath these shade structures, many have real SPFs to increase the sun protection. In a recent study of 29 shade structures in New Zealand primary schools, only six had SPF of 15 or greater, the minimum acceptable amount recommended for outdoor activities. This was alarming, given the importance of protecting children against UV and the strong evidence that excessive sun exposure during childhood significantly increases the risk of developing skin conditions later in life.
Factors that determine how well a structure provides shade include the size of the structure, its orientation (which direction it faces), and where it is in relation to other structures, such as buildings, trees, and other vegetation. The amount of UV protection provided by a structure is also contingent upon the angle of the sun and the degree of cloud cover. This is why it is extremely important to hire the professionals a Sail Shade Structures Contracting.
- Sun shade and UV protection.
- Curved shaped designs provide an aesthetically appealing appearance and evenly distribute tension.
- Adjustable Sails
- Authentic tensioned fabric for ultimate durability.
- Made in the USA!
- Unique and colorful designs.
- Installed vertically or horizontally for shade almost anywhere!
- Steve Hartung owner of Sail Shade Structures Contracting, Inc. has over 25 years in construction and over 10 of them installing sail shades.
- Residential Sail Shades can be installed in tight places to offer good protection from the sun.
- Sail Shades offer extra protection from the sun over the patio without being screened in. Shade sails offer a beautiful view and come in many colors to match your home.